The New York Post’s Mike Vaccaro has always been a friend of Gotham Baseball. Sure, a big reason is because he’s always treated myself and our people with a great deal of respect, but mainly because of his ability to intertwine the history of the sports he covers with the cutting edge perspective of today.
His latest column, which is all about the Red Sox sign-stealing controversy, is another example of how good he is at what he does:
Now, from my point of view, this isn’t a very big deal. I’ve written about this before and I feel the Red Sox will fare better in the baseball media than the Patriots did with their NFL counterparts. Sign-stealing has always been part of the game, and MLB tends to treat teams like Boston with kid gloves.
End of the day, the Yankees should concern themselves with being able to hold 6-1 leads against AL East opponents than a bit of gamesmanship from their bitter rivals.