Host Jay Ferraro and co-host Stephen Okawa re-launch Gotham Baseball LIVE! They’ll be joined by former Met’s and Oriole’s GM, Jim Duquette, who will talk about recent offseason transactions by the Mets and Yankees, as well as the ins and outs of being a Major League General Manager. Also joining us will be Cecilia Tan, writer for the Maple Street Press, who has been published in Penthouse, Ms. Magazine, Absolute Magnitude, and has written both “The 50 Greatest Yankees Games” and “The 50 Greatest Red Sox Games.” She was also a former writer for and will be discussing the upcoming Yankee’s season. Talking about the Mets will be Mark Healey, host of Baseball Digest LIVE!, and online editor for
Jay Ferraro is the Executive Producer of Baseball Digest LIVE and Gotham Baseball LIVE. He is also a columnist for Baseball Digest ,, and You can reach him , follow him on Twitter here and add him on Facebook here.